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Application Architect:
There is an existing enterprise architecture that you must live with. There are hardware resources that constrain the application, cost and practicality are issues, and now add timing to build and deploy in the fastest and most accurate manner. There are numerous questions - will the hardware support? Will we able to integrate to existing applications? How about third party solutions? Do we make or build? How do we partition the application? What goes on the server, what's on the middle tier, what is on the client? Do we use JSP, or do we use ASP? Which application server do we use? Which Database? How about security? Do we use certificates? If so, where do we deploy them? And many more. The AppArchitect was designed to answer these and many more questions. Given the system requirements, the system goal, the system objective and the current state of the enterprise, the AppArchitect will come up with answers that can help you reach meaningful decisions, ensure project integration to the rest of the world and finally project success.

Contact: info@suha.com