This product is ideal where you need a solid project management
process. This product provides you with an individual or individuals
who understand the various issues in managing a software project
successfully. These individuals would be well versed in the art
of balancing between the processes Vs non processes, high quality
Vs acceptable quality, deadlines and resource utilization, analysis
required Vs paralysis from analysis, perfect design Vs acceptable
design, navigating other project issues and troubled waters. This
product delivers to you project plans that are tracked, status reports,
red flags when one is seen coming up in the horizon, issues that
need to be addressed, and an ability to get a handle on where the
project is at a given point in time. What are the costs incurred
and to be incurred? The manager is the most ideal where you need
answers for various aspects of a software project - be it cost,
resources, tasks, deadlines, and or overall project summary.