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Software Engineering Solutions
   Project Estimator
   Application Engineer
   Application Manager
   Application Req Builder
   Application Architect
   Application Processes
   Application Designer
   Application Constructor
   Application Docs
   Application Deploy
   Quick and Dirty
   Quick deployer
   Perfect Application
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Application Processes:
All software engineering success is a function of the extent to which processes have been applied. The application of processes is a complex and intricate task that needs to understand the current state of affairs, the political issues, the goals and immediate objectives. The AppProcess delivers a series of steps which when applied effectively can result in immediate and long-term benefits. This product when used in an organization first of all quickly determines the current state of affairs and comes up with a plan that can then be translated into measurable tasks. Each of these tasks is oriented towards gathering metrics with the sole intent of improving the process from the current state to a better state. It is geared towards streamlining activities into repeatable steps that are person independent, constant monitoring, capturing feedback and making corrections to achieve the desired results. Processes are a vital component of successful of software engineering; when used incorrectly can result in serious setbacks to projects. This unique product was developed after years of studying various organizations, how they do their software engineering, what were the reasons for success and failure. All these insights have contributed in designing this product.

Contact: info@suha.com