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Software Engineering Solutions
   Project Estimator
   Application Engineer
   Application Manager
   Application Req Builder
   Application Architect
   Application Processes
   Application Designer
   Application Constructor
   Application Docs
   Application Deploy
   Quick and Dirty
   Quick deployer
   Perfect Application
Offshore Development Services
Staffing Solutions

Quick deployer:
This is ideal when the end objective is to deliver a functionally correct application that has quality attributes set for all phases. The quality expectation is not perfection nor is it loosely defined , but at a level that is sufficient to deliver an application that performs in terms of accuracy and reliability, but can also be maintained. Allows for any skill to be used. The estimates for the project are done after a detailed understanding of the requirements. The application is engineered using sound principles of software development. The quality assurance done at every stage of the project. Statistics collected are moderate and are tuned towards defect fixing and tracking the defect. Since the project duration can be lengthy, processes would be followed rigorously. Documentation provided would be sufficient to understand the overall workings of the application that has been engineered. Quality of the application and documentation is regularly monitored to ensure that it reaches acceptable levels.

Contact: info@suha.com